16 Results for tag: Division I
New Study of Gender Symmetric Teams Reveals Significant Disparity
in Athletic Opportunities at
Division I Level
37 Years After Passage of Title IX, the College Sports Council
Calls on NCAA to Equalize Scholarship Limits
WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 23, 2009 – The preliminary findings of a study of NCAA participation and scholarship data conducted by the ...
It was last October when we first told you about how Western Illinois University (WIU) signed an agreement with the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights to resolve a Title IX complaint that alleged the school wasn't providing enough athletic opportunities for women.
As part of the agreement, WIU conducted a model survey to asses the level ...
Last month, the College Sports Council (CSC) announced some preliminary findings of a study into NCAA
Division I scholarships in "gender symmetric" sports that found significant disparities into opportunities for men and women. Yesterday, the CSC released the full study (click here for the charts and graphs that accompanied the study), which generat...
We found this in our mailbox this morning:
Our website, Lax For Connecticut is dedicated to bringing back
Division I Men's Lacrosse to the University of Connecticut. UConn had
Division I Men's Lacrosse up until 1983 when it was Title IX'd.
UConn currently has DI Women's Lacrosse, but only club for Men. In my opinion this situation somewhat mirrors ...
Stick It Media says yes:
Because men’s bodies mature later than women’s, men’s
Division I programs are more important for Olympic development. NCAA programs for women are actually post-Olympics or on the separate "college track," rather than the elite track that goes international when the best female gymnasts are still in their teens. For this ...
From Stick It Media:
Savings Sports blog has an interesting post about Title IX . One quote in particular caught StickItMedia’s eyes — "the NCAA cannot be considered an objective source. The NCAA leadership is on record as being closely aligned with groups fighting all forms of Title IX reform and has attempted to quash any debate about the effect of ...