The Top 10 Things You Really Didn’t Know About Title IX
Over the weekend, U.S. News and World Report put together a list of 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Title IX, a list that contained points supplied by the U.S. Department of Education and the Women’s Educational Equity Act Resource Center.
But what U.S. News didn’t count on was the fact that the CSC’s Clay McEldowney was paying attention, and came up with his own top 10 list that he left in the comment string:
1. Title IX has morphed from an anti-discrimination law into a quota which discriminates against males in college athletics.
2. The number of wrestling teams in the NCAA has plummeted and is still dropping despite being the 6th most popular sport in high school, well ahead of lacrosse and ice hockey.
3. Schools resort to “roster management,” or cutting non-recruited males from athletic teams,to comply with the quota.
4. There are 3 female soccer players for every 2 male soccer players in college today despite there being more boys playing soccer in high schools.
5. There are about 1000 more female athletic teams in college than male teams.
6. The Obama administration asserts that it is “strengthening” Title IX by eliminating the use of interest surveys when actually weakening the ability for males to participate in college athletics.
7. There are no more Rudys playing college football.
8. Title IX virtually prevents a college from adding back a male team once it drops it.
9. The National Women’s Law Center is cashing in on suing colleges that don’t comply with Title IX’s quota requirements.
10. Males are becoming increasingly less interested in attending college in part due to there being fewer athletic opportunities for them, with about 56% of students being female right now.
Thanks to Clay for staying on point, and for keeping journalists who only want to tell one side of the story on their toes.
UPDATE: Thanks to our friends Allison Kasic and Bob Button for noticing our comparison