10 Results for tag: Duquesne University
Reprinted from Swimming World Magazine:
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania, May 6. ON January 25, 2010,
Duquesne University announced the elimination of four (4) collegiate men's athletic programs, including swimming, baseball, wrestling and golf. The University cited Title IX (gender equity), as well as a desire to allocate further funds to its core sports ...
Last week, I wrote about how Title IX harms female athletes by depriving them of male training partners. A couple of days ago at Examiner.com, a member of the women's swimming team at Duquesne buttressed that claim:
Duquesne University announced Monday that four men's sports would be cut in order to "place the athletics program in the very best position ...
Meet Jared Bowser, a sophomore redshirt catcher at
Duquesne University.
Over at Observer-Reporter.com, John Steigerwald has done some hard thinking about the men's sports cuts at
Duquesne University, and dove back into the history books to do some primary source research:
It [Title IX] was supposed to be about providing equal opportunities for both genders, not equal outcomes. Feminists took over the enforcement of Title ...
Our friends at the National Wrestling Coaches Association have put together a fact sheet with some talking points for contacting the administration at Duquesne regarding last week's program cuts.
In my mind, the most critical piece of advice is the following:
It is very important that the local, regional, and national wrestling community express ...
Duquesne Athletic Director Greg Amodio finally came out of hiding yesterday to take questions from the press concerning the four men's sports the school eliminated earlier this week. And when the time came to face the press, Amodio told a story that's all too familiar to folks who have seen their programs destroyed:
"We took a good, hard look at that ...
Scott Casber of InterMat got Duquesne Wrestling Coach John Hartupee on the phone to talk about the cancellation of the program. Good stuff. Give it a listen.
UPDATE: For more from Duquesne's student newspaper, click here.
Kristine Newhall at Title IX blog took note of Duquesne's decision to drop four men's teams (click here to see our report from earlier this week). I think it's instructive to read this blog, if only to note just how callous gender equity activists can be when it comes to student athletes.
The people at Collegeswimming.com seem a little miffed that ...
The bad news from Duquesne University:
Duquesne University today announced a strategic restructuring of its varsity sports program in an effort to maximize financial resources and ensure sustained athletic success. The move will reduce the number of varsity sports from 20 to 16 and keep all related scholarship and operational funding within the ...
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran a selection of letters concerning the cuts at
Duquesne University in Sunday's newspaper, and this was probably the best of the lot:
Title IX to blame
It was sad to learn that
Duquesne University is dropping four men's athletic programs. Although the news story notes that Title IX may or may not have played a role, this ...