Title IX: Coming to a High School Near You
The 38th anniversary of the passage of Title IX comes tomorrow, which means that many of our adversaries in the gender quota business will be making all sorts of proposals to extend the reach of the law, and its unintended consequences. Yesterday, the American Association of University Women issued the following online alert to its membership:
In honor of the 38th anniversary of Title IX on June 23, join AAUW in urging your member of Congress to enforce Title IX in our high schools and strengthen its protections. Two bills, the High School Athletics Accountability Act (H.R. 2882) and the High School Sports Information Collection Act (S. 471), would do just that. These bills would make participation rates and expenditures for high school athletes available to the public, helping communities better enforce Title IX.
A little less than two weeks ago, the following passage was included in our press release announcing the results of our study on Division I soccer:
Gender quota activists are working to impose Title IX’ s proportionality compliance requirement on America’s high schools. In many cases, schools have found that the easiest way of complying with proportionality is to limit male participation rates. In 2008-9 about 4.4 million boys and 3.1 million girls participated in high school sports. In order to create a 50-50 gender ratio of athletes, over 1 million boys would need to be eliminated.
Don’t say we didn’t warn you.