3 Results for tag: women’s basketball

Fighting the Title IX Echo Chamber and the New York Times

We're just about 36 hours past the publish time on Katie Thomas's horribly unbalanced piece on roster management and Title IX. The good news is that there are more than a few people who aren't buying her take on gender equity. First, we ought to check in with Wendy Parker, whose take on the piece ought to be required reading for any Journalism 101 ... More

What’s Wrong About the Business Insider Question About Title IX and the NCAA Basketball Tournament

Want to know how screwed up mainstream media thinking over Title IX is these days? Just take a look at a post over at Business Insider by Cork Gaines, who wasted a few pixels on this question: This year, the NCAA expanded the men's basketball tournament to 68 teams, from 65. Meanwhile, the women's tournament still includes a field of 64 teams. With so much ... More

So Who’s Insulting Women Now?

I came across the following inside a Q&A between Cokie Roberts and Billie Jean King that ran over the weekend in the USA Today weekend magazine. It had me shaking my head: Why don't women attend sporting events like women's basketball games? Because they don't get it. Here's how a guy looks at a ticket: "I'll buy a season ticket, and I'll worry ... More