4 Results for tag: PSAL
Our last blog post focused on New York City's Department of Education's irrational and discriminatory response to a Title IX lawsuit filed by the National Women's Law Center: Ban all new schools in the Public Schools Athletic League (
PSAL) from creating any boys' teams. So much for equality of opportunity.
So when Wall Street Journal reporter Sumathi ...
It gets old saying this, but we're going to again: we told you so. As gender quotas used to apply Title IX in college athletics surface at the high school level, we will see the same destructive consequences — such as cuts to whole teams or partial rosters on boys team (and even girls teams) — unravel.
Unfortunately, for the College of Staten Island ...
It gets old saying this, but we're going to again: we told you so. As gender quotas used to apply Title IX in college athletics surface at the high school level, we will see the same destructive consequences — such as cuts to whole teams or partial rosters on boys team (and even girls teams) — unravel.
Unfortunately, for the College of Staten Island ...
Back in May 2009, we called attention to the fact that female soccer players in New York City were opposed to a plan to move girls high school soccer to the Fallso it could compete in the same season as boys soccer. The move was spurred as part of a settlement forced on the the Public School Athletic League (
PSAL) by the New York Civil Liberties Union ...