18 Results for tag: media

Title IX Should Benefit All, Not Some

As the old saying goes, "One person's loss is another person's gain." It's often repeated in the context of finding a dropped 5 dollar bill, saying goodbye to a coworker or describing the current stock market situation. But is it acceptable to throw around when talking about sports opportunities in K-12 and college? Absolutely not. Students' athletic ... More

Is It So Hard To Give the Full Story?

For Erin Buzuvis, co-author of the Title IX Blog, why yes, relaying all of the facts to her readers is just too difficult. Case in point: Her post detailing Butler University's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) compliance review wrap-up leaves out a key point simply because it does not align with her views. The examination was conducted to address two ... More

A Rare, Welcomed Voice of Reason on Title IX

Despite a media environment that is hostile to critics and hopeful reformers of Title IX, Doug Robinson, columnist at the Deseret News, bravely tells us what he really thinks about the law: While everyone is celebrating the upcoming 40th birthday of Title IX, shouldn't we also hold a funeral for men's sports? I hate to rain on the party (not really), ... More

The Media’s Incomplete Take on Title IX

More often that not, news and opinion stories centered around Title IX follow the same formula: 1). Cite the history of the law's passage. 2). Emphasize the importance of sports to the mental and physical development of young children and adults. 3). Applaud the growth of girls' participation rates and reflect on what still needs to be accomplished. ... More

Criticize Title IX Quotas? HOW DARE YOU!

A couple of days back, we pointed to a story at the Daily Illini that took a rather balanced look at Title IX, something we don't see a lot of in the mainstream media. But then again, as we know, anyone who dares to sing even a solitary note that isn't in solidarity with the folks in the quota business better be prepared to suffer the consequences.... More

Getting it Wrong on Women’s Wrestling

In this morning's edition of the New York Times, reporter Katie Thomas tried to take a closer look at the growth of women's wrestling at the collegiate level. Unfortunately for the readers of the Times, this look at the sport fails to tell the whole story, falling back on tired old stereotypes and slanders against male coaches who have actually worked ... More

Condescension at Dartmouth

An article in Dartmouth's student newspaper reports on our rally for Title IX reform two weeks ago at the Department of Education. But Dartmouth Athletic Director Josie Harper is dubious about the students from JMU and their appeal for reform. “The cuts don’t have so much to do with money being poured into women’s programs – it has to do with the ... More

Inside Higher Ed Doubts the Students

Elizabeth Redden of Insider Higher Education writes that, “criticisms specific to their university — including a lack of student input in the decision — crept into some of their comments.” Those views didn’t creep anywhere, they were front and center. The whole point of the rally was to ask the Department to strengthen interest surveys — ... More